Supporting Life-Long Learning Through Innovation

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Industries Served

Pre K-12

Support Pre K-12 schools to adapt to change, create flexible and innovative learning experiences, and develop student technology and research competencies

Higher Education

Provide Learning Experience Design (LX) expertise to create online/hybrid learning environments, leverage innovative technologies, and prepare life-long learners

Informal Learning

Create learning opporuntiies outside of the classroom; after-school, camps, workshops, and other informal learning opportunities are important for all learners

Professional Development

Professional Development 

ID Consulting Services has over 20 years of experience designing and facilitating professional development experiences. Whether virtual, in-person, or a combination of both, participants are engaged in meaningful activities and discussions that transfer back to their teaching practice.

Recent topics include:

  • Online/Blended Course Design
  • Leveraging Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality
  • AI and Academic Integrity