Mission and Leadership


Our mission is to support educators and learners, in both formal and informal spaces, to utilize technology in transformative ways. From integrating coding into the curriculum to the development of student-centered online courses, technology can create powerful and flexible learning opportunities. We are here to support organizations in strategizing for the future and empowering educators to leverage technology. Finally, we support all, regardless of age, to be life-long learners, ready to adapt to change and address real-world complex problems.

We Create…

Future Thinking Institutions

Empowered Educators

Life-Long Learners


Danielle Mirliss

Danielle Mirliss


Dr. Mirliss is a passionate educator with over 20 years of experience in both higher education and K-12 institutions. As the Director of Instructional Design, she led a team of Instructional Designers who supported faculty in the design of online courses and programs, development of digital humanities projects, investigation of emerging technologies, creation of an “innovation space”, outcomes assessment, and research. Her team was also responsible for the design and facilitation of faculty development workshops. 

After a successful career in higher education, Dr. Mirliss decided to join the K-12 educational community. She is currently responsible for overseeing Library, Research, and Educational Technology at her current school. She also teaches computer science and mentors student-led research teams focused on extended reality (XR) technologies.  

Dr. Mirliss continues to teach in higher education as an adjunct professor. She teaches multiple topics related to Instructional Technology and Research to students earning their undergraduate and master’s degrees. In addition, she teaches a Doctoral level course that explores important trends in technology for school leaders. 

She earned her B.A. from Rutgers University, M.A. from New York University, M.Ed. from Teachers College, Columbia University, and Ed.D. from Teachers College, Columbia University.
